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Intruder – An unauthorized person who enters College property

  • Call 439-6385 to notify Administration of the incident
  • Ask another staff person to accompany you before approaching intruder
  • Politely greet intruder and identify yourself
  • Ask intruder the purpose of his/her visit
  • Inform intruder that all visitors must register at the main office
  • If intruder’s purpose is not legitimate, ask him/her to leave
  • Accompany intruder to exit (If necessary, attempt to get license plate number and description, if appropriate)
  • The College Incident Commander or designee will call 9-1-1, if necessary

If intruder refuses to leave:

  • Warn intruder of consequences for staying on College property
  • Notify Security or Law Enforcement and the College Incident Commander (or designee) if intruder still refuses to leave and give Law Enforcement full description of intruder (Keep intruder unaware of call for help, if possible)
  • Walk away from intruder if he/she indicates a potential for violence and be aware of intruder’s actions at this time (where he/she is located in College, whether he/she is carrying a weapon or package, etc.)
  • Maintain visual contact with intruder from a safe distance


  • The College Incident Commander or designee will call 9-1-1, and give the Dispatcher details of situation; ask for assistance from hostage negotiation team
  • If hostage-taker is unaware of your presence, do not intervene
  • Seal off area near hostage scene
  • Give control of scene to Law Enforcement and hostage negotiation team
  • Keep detailed notes of the events that take place

If taken hostage:

  • Follow instructions of hostage-taker
  • Try not to panic and keep students calm if they are present
  • Be respectful to hostage taker and treat the hostage-taker as normally as possible
  • Ask permission to speak and do not argue or make suggestions